exaggeration and tall tales galore

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Malas nak buat kerja

The need for organization, control, and general planning increases as one gets older.

I, being the essence of a general slob, am coming to realize this. Belatedly, perhaps. Nevertheless, I now see that the chances for success in life('success' being subjective here) is dim if my plan is to just 'wing it', as I believe I've been doing so for the most part.

There's this need to keep track and coordinate what you're doing, and what you plan to achieve, and how do you go about doing it. And this need seems to encompass EVERYTHING. I used to think it was just for major stuff like planning your studies to sit for your SPM, or making sure you didn't overspend your allowance and go over budget, or finishing up the assignment that's due in two weeks, things that you have already been advised and told many times to plan for. No,no,no. it goes beyond that.

I suppose the major thing I must plan is in regards to religion. Our aim is fairly obvious: be good enough to get into heaven. Fine, objective ascertained. But how do I be good enough? I think it's safe to say that I've deviated from the straight and narrow quite a bit, and now I need to get back on the right track. At least I know what I want, I want to be a good muslim and I want to be a good person, and I want to love God and and be loved in return, ok! great! But how do I go about doing that? And here's where planning comes in. Pray, fast, ask for protection and guidance. Make effort to understand and embrace Islam, try and live by the guidelines.

Here's another one: our body. There's so many things to remember, much more besides the essential rule to eat and drink to stay alive. Eat healthy!less fried foods, less oil, less saturated fat, less sodium. Get enough calcium, I don't want osteoporosis when I'm old, so gulp down that milk and finish that tub of low-fat yogurt. Cut down on sugar, and refrain from that second cup of coffee. Tea has anti-oxidants. Try and eat at least one dark green veggie everyday, and don't forget fruit and some sort of roughage. Don't snack, you're overweight enough as it is, go get exercise. Lose some kilos and build up bone density, they say active women have reduced chances of getting cancer as much as 23%. Cleansing your face is not enough. Don't forget to use toner and moisturizer, and sunblock. Use body lotion, if not your skin will go dry and start to peel. I need something to make those blister scars on my feet go away.

Studies, studies, studies. Study those lecture notes, I know I wasn't paying attention in class. Finish up my tutes, get a study timetable ready, there's only a month left until exams. Organize my files, make sure I've submitted my assignments, have all my textbooks, read all my textbooks, print out my notes, get ready for next week's tutorial so that I don't feel like an ass again. Plan what you want to be. Plan your subjects. Get a degree. get a master's degree! Get good grades. get a good job. get good money.

Groceries, do I have enough? I need more eggs and milk and cereal. I just bought those last week, I need to buy them again? I'm eating too much. Eat less. My chicken and meat are all out, have to go get more. I'm spending too much! Money. Make sure I've transferred this month's rent to dad, paid the internet bill, check my balances to ensure I at least have money to survive. Don't go above the specific amount when buying something.

Call home, call friends, remember to take the initiative to socialize occasionally. Read the paper, try and keep up with events so at least you have the general idea when someone talks about the financial crisis or Sarah Palin, and not feel so out of the loop like all this while. Read a book, listen to a song, update your journal, update your blog, to get the feel that you have a soul somewhere inside of you , because perhaps you hope these things are proof that you do. Don't forget to smile, be more friendly! Accept invitations, be courageous enough to join a club. Be happy. Don't involve and therefore contaminate others' with your foul mood.

And so, how can one possibly be a couch potato?

My parents are amazing at being able to do all this, as well as handle the additional conundrum of having yours truly as a child.

additional note that I want to jot down because it made me mad: why. the fuck. would you post up pictures of cadavers and dead fetuses on your facebook? just because you're a medic student studying them doesn't mean they deserve any less respect. They're people who have passed away, you jackass, not merely lab exhibits for you to poke and prod at.


whilewhiting said...

your entry feel like "how to live a life step by step". but of course, plus, a lot of other things. good luck ateqs. and thanks for your kek batik. it ws good! :D

i know about the cadaver thing. i didn't even look at the pics. and before you've mentioned about how you mad abt it, i actually didn't much abt it. when you said it then i realized. youre right, that person should have some respect. there are reasons for people don't post those pics so casually.

haih, saturday ends so soon. i wish i have 48 hours in each of my sunday and saturday.

Kero Ong said...

oh god those facebook people are bloody retards. :|

ah, so many worries yes. i hope you get through everything okay :)

Anonymous said...

such wholesome post ! : )

organization, eat plants, smile more, ikhlas , dont miss solat, prudence in spending, good espresso coffee, ample exam preparation and review, drink tap water, exercise, read papers, talk to teachers, catch up to friends, love the nature, embrace the weather, take a walk, get out of house, focusfocusfocus,write nice piece, say sorry etc..

this is mine and your too.

Atiqah said...

anna:haha, a step by step guide to life? now there's a thought. this is just an attempt to remember some of the i'm supposed to incorporate into daily life. i'm super glad you liked the kek batik,wheeeee. kek mudah untuk dibuat.

cadaver pictures,haih. tak boleh ke letak gambar of.. i don't know.cute kittens or something. even heaps of narcissistic poses would be better, i think.

kero:awww,thanks,kero. i'm no different than anyone really, everyone has worries, albeit maybe different ones. it's just that i'm whiny enough to list them down :p so, if anything, i hope you get through everything ok as well. in fact, i hope everyone gets through everything ok :D

nani:lagi2!: brush your teeth before bedtime, floss regularly, be grateful for your family and blessings, clean the house regularly, take a trip,etc.

yours,mine and ours :D

f at i n said...

ahhh..finally someone keep my head up about MANY important things yg kte smakin lupe nak buat.

I'll read this entry from time to time.hehe

Sometimes I missed boarding school..how things very coordinate during that part of life.

ps: ateqs, drink 8 glasses of water a day!(I personally think thats too much!)..teheeeeeee

Atiqah said...

hahaha, like a reminder,ek? baik jangan, there's loads of things missing. like, jangan bongkok, and lower the volume when listening to music on headphones so that you don't go deaf,etc.

betul2. things were all organized for us back in school. makan ape yang disediakan. petang2 go riadah. sleep when it's lights off. haih. those were simpler times, i guess.

8 glasses of water?adoi,haha. kembung perut.