exaggeration and tall tales galore

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Positive energy

And if we concentrate on these high moments
Maybe falling down won't be so bad.

Good things:

1. I finally got around to listening to The National's Boxer album. I don't know why I waited so patiently all this while to get the CD from my sister, I should have accosted her on a daily basis and forced her to find and give it to me ages ago. We popped it into the car stereo as we were driving home, and it opened with the beautiful Fake Empire. As of now, I'm replaying it even as I type this.

Awesome wei.

2. Parents anniversary, and we made cupcakes! Aiyo. Why so cute. They tasted ok, not great(mediocre cupcakes seem to be the story of my life), but they looked so nice(sorry for all the boasting, but you should have seen the first batch of frosted cupcakes I made. These look awesome compared to those), sayang nak makan. Props to kakak for lettering all of them. We originally wanted to spell out 'Happy Anniversary', but 'anniversary' is not a fun word to spell out letter per letter.

3. God blessed this creature with a ridiculous amount of cuteness.


mostlyepiphanies said...

The bunny is cute!! Hehe.

To answer your question, I'm currently interning with Petronas research in bangi, and i'm more keen deciding how to mix n match my (limited) wardrobe than anticipating work. haha.

But its barely the second week, so I can hardly say much.Hehe.

And i'm drawing clothes! Designing is just my attempt at self gratification. Hehe! One of these days I'll show them to you when their not too sucky!

Woot to positive energy!

Kero Ong said...

hahaha oh lord you own a rabbit? i hope it's just the one :P they breed like mad things. but i'm sure you know that ehehe.

your reply on the previous post: well people do say i'm very mature for my age. which is true la i guess. have been through a lot, can't not be grown up haha!

you're very welcome hoho. anyway i like doing nice things for people, the kindness sort of spreads if you do that. :)

eh eh btw! come to comic fiesta this year, if you're still in malaysia then :D 20th and 21st of december. info! i'll be there in my awesome clothes on the first day, so come visit me hoho. well i'll be there on the second day as well la, but in not-awesome clothes :P actually you go also i dunno what you're gonna do there, you're not into anime etc right. haha

whilewhiting said...

im surprised by the fact my google reader didnt update this particular post as a new post. if i didnt go to your blog, i wouldnt have known. oh well.

the bunny is super active! my image of bunny is lazy sit tight tido je keje die and act cutesy. but apparently yours doesnt. its yours kan?

i still remember the name of your cat athena. because i think the name is pretty classy for a cat. the cat still live or not?

and apparently too, birthday muffins is becoming more and more popular. but i still want to eat lots of cakes when i go back to msia since since cm sush nak find one edible.

im going back in few more days. woot! :)

Lisa Sulaiman said...

Yes. Too cute. What's his name?

Atiqah said...

aijud: Isn't it wretchedly unfair how something white and fluffy can invoke certain feelings(i.e: the'OMG COMELNYE TAK TAHAN!!' feeling)?

Oh, you're interning!that sounds interesting, I think it's a cool opportunity. And of course, I trust you ensure that you show up to work each day looking fierce?haha

Aijud. you're sketching clothing designs?! dang.*images of cruella deVil drawing the dalmatian fur coat and The Devil Wears Prada flashes through mind* that's awesome wei. awesome! showcase them sometime, s'il vous plait!

kero: you're a therapist. you're a calm, serene 33-year-old therapist reincarnated in the form of a post-pmr student. just a thought.

and yes, we've had the one rabbit for yonks(i've always wanted to use the word 'yonks'). I didn't know they breed like mad, but then again there was this one time we had a female rabbit temporarily, and tak sempat ape our rabbit was going at it...

comic fiesta!Oh, i think they had something like that in melbourne pretty recently, I saw quite a lot of people heading towards the direction of my uni in full anime regalia. I'm no enthusiast myself, but it looks/sounds seriously cool. thanks for the info! I hope your awesome clothes involve something outrageous-maybe a neon coloured wig or something? :D

anna:oh yeah, my igoogle used to do that sometimes, maybe it comes and goes?terima kasih for taking the effort to visit my blog manually, haha.

The bunny IS lazy kalau cuaca sedang panas. If it's a hot day, he'll just sit under my dad's car and SLEEP. but if the weather is conducive(i.e: baru lepas hujan, hari mendung, tengah awal pagi sebelum matahari naik), he'll be out and about, ravaging all my parents punye plants. And if you come near him during that time he'll hyper actively run around you,heh. and yes, the bunny is ours! and we haven't turned him into rendang yet,woot!hahahaha

athena!awww, I can't believe you remember. She ran away before my sister went to the UK :( and then we got cleo. who ALSO ran away shortly after my sister came back from the UK :( :( do we see a pattern involving cats, my sister, and the UK? but maybe we'll be able to a new cat soon!

come back and kita keluar ok? hari tu I went ice skating and I kept remembering how you're so terrer at it :D

Lisa: His official name is Theodore!(i know, so mat salleh. why not just name it Si Putih or something?)But we never got around to using the name, and we ended up just calling it the rabbit. And my brother likes to call Mr. Bunny.

Kero Ong said...

eh yalah 'yonks' is such an awesome word! and you know, there is a reason people say (usually referring to sex-crazed next door neighbours) 'they go at it like bunnies'... :P man, a rabbit's life is the shit. everyday wake up go make babies and be cute.

thirty-three?!? eh at least say la, like, TWENTY-three. i feel ancient. i'm a bloody thirty-three year old in a girl suit ):

oh yeah, it is cool! all the cosplayers are damn worthy of respect. the amount of time & money they put into their costumes is crazy wei. and i'm supposed to be doing that next year, takleh la. no money lol. nolah my awesome clothes quite subdued one. but it's ok, i'll be wearing a hot pink wig on the 2nd day (ya, decided to dress up since i'll be helping with a friend's booth). first day all black and white je. and 6 inch boots. :P

come come! but you have to pay for tickets la, RM15 per day. sadly. but it's quite worth it, you get to take pictures with awesomely dressed people hahahaha

Anonymous said...

ya rabbi rabbit tu gemok dan putihnye.

congratulations encik mokhtar dan pn _________!

i dont think my parents pon reach 20 lagi.

Anonymous said...

( bunyik demanding skit)

i emphatise with you that you have to put up with all these nonsense.

well, i think you have to demand your money back, and be a pestering prick if you will. ape pulak dah komited taknak bayar pulak ( asal i pulak emo neh)

anyway, have fun during your summer break.do something new that you wished you could have done, probably can cheer you up.