exaggeration and tall tales galore

Friday, April 24, 2009


Friday night. Well, Saturday morning, to be honest, but let's play pretend and still imagine it's Friday night. I'm reluctant to go to sleep, because sleeping means waking up to Saturday morning, and aside from breakfast(which I wholly look forward to), Saturday morning means homework and a couple of assignments.

I don't understand why I complain so much about studying, because:
a) I'm a student. It's my job.
b) It's my job, but I shouldn't think of it as one. I'm acquiring knowledge! It shouldn't be a cause for whining.

Fleet Foxes' Meadowlark has to be one of the prettiest songs I've ever heard. No wait, don't skim past this part,please. I love it so much, I love listening to it before I go to sleep, I love listening to it in the library while I'm taking a break, it makes me stare wistfully out the windows at the trees and the glimpse of sky. I love how simple it is, and how that simpleness is heartbreakingly beautiful. I hear Robin Pecknold singing the opening notes of the song, and it melts my heart. It's a song that reminds me how much music has an affect on me, even if I'm not musical in the sense I'm in a band or play an instrument. It reflects how songs I love make up a part of me, they touch me in a way nothing else does.

Shit, I sound like I'm high. I suppose it's the same for most people, albeit with different songs? Ok, skip past the crazy talk and just try give it a listen.

I'm hoping to make pancakes tomorrow, but if that plan flops over, I'll probably end up making french toast. Again. Ever since Kelly taught me her way of making them(the secret: condensed milk!a-ha!), I've been eating them like nobody's business. Good for waistline? No. Good for taste buds? Yes.

For they could not love you
But still your love was true
And when no hope was left in sight
on that starry,starry night
You took your life as lovers often do.
But I could have told you Vincent
This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you.

Inilah dia. Sitting on your bed in a dark room at 2 in the morning makes you listen to playlists of acoustic, sentimental songs and quote random lyrics.

I saw someone wearing what looked like yellow canvas shoes the other day. They looked pretty cool. On him, anyway.

Number entah-ke-berapa of random things that make me feel pangs of what must be homesickness: seeing price tags in ringgit denomination.


mostlyepiphanies said...

love the song! Very smooth.

It's been a while since I had proper breakfast!

Kero Ong said...

mmm that is a gorgeous song. i especially like 2:00 onwards. thank you for the intro!

vienna teng for you O: have i recommended her to you before, i can't remember xD she's one of my favourite artistes ever :D click click

A said...

aijud: BREAKFAST! most important meal, the thing I think about before sleeping. Aijud. Proper breakfast. please. Scrambled eggs and toast. Pancakes. Nasi goreng. anything!

Kero: your welcome Miss Ong.

Yes, thank you for Antebellum! I love the combination of just drums and piano, and Vienna Teng has such a lovely voice, even when just talking it's awesome, all low and husky. roar.