exaggeration and tall tales galore

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The rebound


Sorry. For some reason some part of me insists on keeping it up as what, I don't know. Some testimony that I was ridiculously melodramatic, as some sort of stubborn justification that I did indeed mean what I'd written, I don't know. Bear with me.

It may seem deceiving though, it sounds as if the post before the last was some starting point that led to a continuous boil up of thoughts up to a point the kettle of feelings spontaneously combusted. It conjures a picture of a frazzled, hysterical person constantly on the verge of tears and a stone's throw away from bashing their head in with the metaphorical shovel of self-loathing. No lah. My attention span is way too short for that sort of sustainability of emotion. Yes, I felt(feel) like I was(am) crap quite a substantial amount of times throughout these past couple weeks, but not all the time. Plenty of nice parts during these last few days of holidays.

I'm listening to Love Song by Khalil Fong right now, have you heard of him? Lagu dia macam dengar cokelat, it's all smooth and slow and chillaxed and chocolatey.

New semester, new semester. Final semester. Aigoo.


Current favourite article of clothing: An electric blue long cardigan I got for 15 dollars last month.

Most recent baking attempt: Chocolate molten lava cake. Needs work.

Current pressing mission: To ganti puasa before it's time to puasa.

Most recently completed drama series: Cinderella's Sister(Holy schmoley, I get annoyed with all dramas-korean or otherwise-after a certain point, but this one had a couple of scenes that I thought were good. They were touching, to use the cliched term.

Current objective for the final semester: To do everything I am capable of.

Most recent reiteration of dispelled notions: Pillow fights are NOT fun. Why mass media portrays it as somethings fun and light and innocent is beyond me. A single 'whomp' to the face made me realize it soon enough. Sakit doh. But I suppose it would be less painful with pillows stuffed with down feathers.

Okay. Thank you for reading. Go off and play.


f at i n said...

nape sume org dh hbs tgk cinderella's sister ni? kte tgk start eps 9, rse cam depress gle, trus stop tgk. haha

lgi 2 minggu nk ramadhan ateqs! (kte pun tgh dlm mission yg sme btw)

it's been a while..kte tgk ur pics kat fb je :)

oh n gud luck final semester!!!

Anonymous said...

saya puasa hari ni hahahaha marilah kite completekan mission sama-sama.

Al said...

electric blue sounds like a very attractive color

kettle of feelings sounds like something I could order in a coffee shop

anyway,your final sem should be interesting.thought more about life after graduation? i do hope you give KL a chance

A said...

fatin! memang depressing(I think boleh kira how many times Moon Geun Young senyum dalam satu tangan), but I thought it was different, and some scenes were beautiful. Plus, Chun Jung Myung is hot, tolonglah :p

Sekarang I'm waiting for My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox to start :D It starts the same time as Ramadhan,what a coincidence.

nani, I always tell myself to ganti cepat2, and I always end up doing it the last couple weeks before Ramadhan, bila akan ku belajar,aisy.

al,it is attractive indeed, I get super powers just by looking at it.

I always get the kettle of feelings with the bagel of emotions.

I'm giving anywhere that gives me a chance, a chance, if that makes sense :)