exaggeration and tall tales galore

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Il pleut

I slept for 9 hours yesterday. Holy cow yeah man.

I need some new mind-blowing music. Mind-blowing. Plenty of decent stuff, but I haven't heard anything new that makes me want to gobble it up or liquidize it and consume it intravenously so that it would be part of my blood, that kind of mind-blowing. Maybe it's because I've been listening to too much kpop (the 'Kpop' playlist has been growing steadily), I must stop. But, while we're on the topic, my favored song by the hairless dancing adolescent variety at the moment is She's Back by Infinite(rookie group,ftw!).

Selamat berpuasa to those who do so! Seeing as how my demons seem to get the best of me most times, Ramadhan is a welcomed period.

You know how there are some people who take to cutting themselves? Well, I'm nowhere near that stage, but I think I have the much(much,much) watered down version in the form of looking up pictures of food when I'm fasting. I was doing the whole last-minute ganti puasa thing, and more often than not, whenever I was on the laptop, I found myself googling up recipe/cooking blogs, and savoring pictures of nasi lemak, nasi beriyani, sesame and soy sauce chicken, pau buns, banana bread, etc. I would look at these pictures, feel my taste buds pop out of my very head, and then contemplate how long it would be before I buka. Why inflict this self-torture(if you can call it torture?). I don't know. It was particularly pointless, given that when I buka pun, it would be with a self-cooked meal tasting of either oyster sauce, kicap manis, ketchup, chilli sauce, or a combination of any of these sauces(my cooking skills are as stunted as ever). It's not as if I'd get anywhere near the gastronomic heaven of nasi tomato and ayam masuk madu anyway.

It's pretty gloomy outside today.

I want scones. And I want durian.


chipsalwani said...

Ateqs, ak tak tau la whether ko dh over the season ke belom. Tp ak nak share ngan ko obsession ak kat lagu tell me goodbye from big bang. wawawawa. ak asyik ulang n ulang n ulang lagu tu berulang kali kat ipod for few days consecutively. ahaha. n y im writing this comment? everytime sampai part seungri nyanyi, ak mesti teringat kat ko. sbb ko la so far member ak yang minat kat seungri. :P

Atiqah said...

oh!oh! SUKAAAAA!Aku rasa video dia lawa gila. Ni jadi lagu layan emosi kau ye? :D And of course aku ingat Seungri was uber cute dalam video tu. Taeyang too :)